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..’but i also know that i will never forget what i owe you
and that one day i will join you under the moroccan palms..


- saint laurent's partner pierre bergé 

at the funeral ceremony for yves

in the rose garden of jardin majorelle 

polaroids from saint laurent n°1

  • These still lifes were shot by Hannah

    in Jardin Majorelle.

    The gardens started to bud in the 1930's

    by the hand of painter Jacques Majorelle

    and was later saved by and lived in by

    Yves Saint Laurent and his partner Pierre Bergé.


    Lingering in Hannah's retro modern polaroid

    of kale green and cognac flavored brown 

    are the words of Bergé at Saint Laurent's

    funeral service, right there in Jardin Majorelle;


    .. ’but i also know that i will never forget what

    i owe you and that one day i will join you

    under the moroccan palms..

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