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To visit Morocco is still like

turning the pages of some illuminated

Persian manuscript all embroidered

with bright shapes and subtle lines.


- Edith Wharton 

polaroids from morocco n°1

  • ..'after having been led through

    a maze of narrow alleys glowing

    in orange and softening in dusty pink,
    with my luggage on top of a fruit barrow,

    i reach the riad where we'll be staying,

    - & enter an atrium with piano music

    that flows smoothly out around palm trees,
    the flower petals in water-filled basins,
    the outside lounge suits with old leather sofas,
    the lanterns & the beautiful fabrics.


    - a 2014 diary note of Hannah's from Morocco

    linger in this retro modern polaroid

    of peaceful pale dogwood pink,

    island paradise turquoise & etheral white shades,

    shot on Rue Yves Saint Laurent in Marrakech.

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